Our program will provide a certification by the True-me® Breakthrough Coaching Academy. The program takes 12 months – the time to complete the main teaching – plus 4 months for completion of all the requirements needed to get certified.
I know well that most of you have a busy life. That’s why the program was designed to fit your intense schedules and allows you to learn what you need from the comfort of your home – anywhere you might be in the world. To receive your training, the True-me® Breakthrough Coaching Academy offers a live on-line program: You will be given a code to get access to a platform and connect with a live class.
The classes are 60-90 minutes long, beginning at 20:00 Athens time. You are required to participate in a minimum of 30 live class calls (there are 36 in total). You will also have to submit 10 recorded coaching sessions, as well as 10 assignments. Overall time you will need to invest to become a certified coach is very personal, but it would be safe to say that 2-3 hours per week will be expected.
You will be assigned to a mentor to ensure that all the processes of getting certified are clear to you. Moreover, you will be participating in a pod group, that is, a group of co-students, so as to practice your coaching learnings and get supported. You will never be left alone in this effort!
Moreover, given the demanding life we all conduct, the program foresees that participants will be able to complete all their obligations up to four months after the end of the course. Ideally, you will have submitted all the work and you will be ready to receive the test that will lead you to certification at the end of the 12 months. However, if necessary, you will be able to deliver all the remaining work and the final exam during the following four months. After many years of using the material and technologies I’m going to teach you, I have found that this period allows a comfortable pace of learning and assimilation of the material before the students are ready to fully implement what they have been taught and move on to their next step.
The True-Me® Breakthrough Coaching Academy (TBCA) is one of the most comprehensive and transforming coaching programs currently offered, with emphasis on effective clients’ empowerment and development. The lessons and all the material will be in English and will be delivered by me personally throughout the 12-month period. The investment to the course for September 2018 to July 2019 is € 2,500. It is important to know that you do not have to do any other training to get a valid certification as an international coach. This certification is sufficient. Everything you need is included in the price of the program: such as manuals, worksheets, mentors, recordings. The only other small cost is the books that will be suggested to you: they cost about 60 euros and I’m sure they will be a treasure for your library.
Subscriptions will take place from July 1st to August 15th 2018. The course begins on w/c September 20th 2018.
If you are ready to register
After registration is completed, you will be sent access to the platform of the Academy were you will find a detailed instruction manual with all the information and the dates you will need to know before starting your studies.
If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected].
You may decide to join the program because you have a great desire to offer your support to others, for your own personal development or because you want to create a successful and profitable business. Whatever it is, I invite you to respond to the call, because I know the empowerment, the joy and the freedom that coaching can bring to you. This is your opportunity to give yourself unparalleled expansion and become aware of your true potential. What is certain is that you will be uplifted to a higher level of daily creation.